-My husband comes home on Sunday. I plan on sending BK to the babysitter for a few solid hours on Monday night and locking S in the bedroom. It's been a long three weeks.
-I started reading Bared to You. {See above confession}
-We started researching preschools for BK. Very exciting and emotional time for mama
-BK loves festivals, especially the music, and is already dressing the part. Check out that flower headband. Coachella 2022 watch out!
-I have been stealing BK's headbands on the regular lately. It is wayy to hot to have my five pounds of hair down, and at least I accessorize my doodoo bun/topknot.
-Busch Gardens is BK's new favorite place on Earth. I mean look at that face.
-Her beauty still stuns me on a daily basis. {Not so "new" news, I know}
-Sassy Sunshine is rather bossy to all the other kids on the playground. Especially when they are bigger, and faster than her (i.e. most of them). She doesnt understand why she can't keep up and they wont stay with her.
-We had a few sleepovers with our best pals, and these girls are just the cutest, sweetest things ever. Vivi is a year older than BK and calls her "my baby", and the way BK says Genevieve is just about the cutest thing in the world. I am so blessed to have friends like these.