1} You give up sleep. Like for 18 years. Even if you're blessed with an angel baby in the sleeping department, guaranteed you will never sleep as well as you previously did. In the early days its out of fear/nerves. When you reach toddler-Dom it's because after the little one goes to sleep you have to be productive and REclean the house that your wildabeast destroyed all day or anything else you had high hopes of doing during waking hours. I'm not even going to breach teenage years, I know how bad I was so I am bound to suffer through some hellacious years with BK.
2} You get way more physical activity than you used to pre-baby ( even if you don't go to the gym anymore). I am constantly on the go with BK. For one, she has the attention span on a peanut so we are constantly changing activities. For two, she has the ferocity of a hurricane and creates similar paths of destruction that I continuously run around trying to clean up. Lastly,
3} Changing a diaper 100% should be an Olympic sport. Once your child surpasses the age of four months they no longer lay sweetly and coo at you while you change their diaper very easily in about 30 seconds. They start kicking + bucking + rolling + arching, pretty much doing anything that makes it impossible for you to smoothly and efficiently change a diaper. You're forced to resort to extreme tactics. Bribery works well. The "evil eye" is hit and miss. Sometimes i enlist extra help so i dont get hit by a flailing limb. But at least once a month, at least in the summertime, you have to add in he dreaded diaper cream to equation. It's cold, it's thick, and its messy. Sounds fun right? It's not. Well not until I was introduce to Dr. Smith's Diaper Ointment. It has been our saving grace this summer, especially with all of our time on the go. We keep one in the swim/beach bag and one in the diaper bag. I highly recommend it!
And now Dr. smith's is available nationwide at Walgreen's stores, and you have the chance to celebrate their new venture! You can win a $50 Walgreen's gift card and a supply of diaper rash cream! Just enter using he widget below. You won't regret it!
4} Children make EVERYTHING better. Literally everything. Though things may take more planning, the joy you get in return is SO worth it. I have never been happier. And hey, winning an Olympic medal must come in pretty damn close to parenthood.
So tell me, what were you surprised to learn about parenthood?
This post was sponsored by Dr. Smith's but all thoughts are my own.