Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lightning Strikes Twice

{Written- Tuesday April 2, 2013}
Tonight was just a typical Tuesday night. We made dinner, my husband went to the gym, we read a story before bed. Everything was within our normal routines. Tonight was just a typical Tuesday night, except that it wasn't.
S got off early, so we had an extra three hours together as a family. One third of that was spent visiting the puppy store at the mall where BK screamed "dawg" every time she saw a new puppy behind the glass and then laughed hysterically. One third was spent pushing BK in her pink whip to the park. The park is our haven. She swings and is in her own personal heaven. S plays like a little kid on all of the equipment. And I, I soak in the both of them. Their smiles, their pure joy. The last *extra* hour was spent in the kitchen while I cooked dinner. BK carried around pieces of Daisy's food and giggled uncontrollably while Daisymae chased her. S sat in the kitchen while we caught up on our day and snuck kisses.
From an outsiders perspective it was nothing special. Just your typical family of three going about their evening routine. But to me, to me it was heaven. I had a permanent smile on my face. My happiness just radiated from every pore.
It got me to thinking though, as happy as I am {truly 1000% satisfied with my life, not lacking a thing}, does it get any better than this? Can lightning strike twice? Will we be so lucky to be blessed to one day expand our family and have another baby so perfect and delightful as BK? It just seems impossible. I know it isn't, I know that God's grace is SO good. I'm not saying it will happen, I'm simply saying that it could happen.
Life just doesnt seem like it could possibly get any better than it is. I am so blessed. Blessed with my true soul mate, the man that God picked specifically for me. Blessed with a beautiful, crazy intelligent, sweet, funny, perfect daughter. My family is kind and supportive. I have good friends that the Lord brought into my life for a reason. I have wonderful worldly possessions.  I am blessed.
My life was not always this way. It was not always everything I dreamt it to be. But now I wake up and I think to myself...

You have everything you ever wanted. Welcome to your happily ever after. 



  1. This is amazing, I am glad everything is going so well for you and your wonderful family!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  2. So beautiful! Too often we take those little moments for granted. But they are the most precious moments.

  3. This post made me teary. You all are totally the perfect little family and I love you so much!

  4. How wonderful! So true that we need to appreciate the little things in life and the special people God has given us!

  5. Awwww, so sweet!!! LOVE those precious moments...can't wait to experience the same with my daughter on the way!! XO

  6. Awww this made me smile... you're too cute :)

  7. This post is beautiful friend! LOVE this and your sweet, sweet family. I'm excited to see what is to come for y'all and future babies. BK will be an amazing big sister. LOVE YOU!

  8. This is lovely! Praise the Lord for your special family! There's no reason to believe #2 won't be just as wonderful. :-)

  9. this is so great. those little moments are the ones that mean the most! :)
