Friday, April 5, 2013

Baby Registries... Our Truth

My precious BK turns 13 months old on Sunday. It is just crazy how fast time flies, I can still remember the first day that S and I went to register for all things tiny and baby. It was so fun, but it can definitely be overwhelming. There is just SO much baby stuff, and if you are a first time parent then you {like us} probably have no idea what you will actually use. Today I'm linking up with Kaitlyn and Jen for the registry week of her new series

Preparing For A Little One

Here is how S and I went about registering:

- Print out a baby check list and review all items
Some items will just not be practical for you and your family
- Highlight the items you think you will 100% use
Do your research here. This is where we decided to register for a jogging stroller combo opposed to your regular four wheel stroller as we are a very active family. It was one of the best decisions we made.
- Pick two stores to register at
Some people do a practical store like Babies R US and then a store for more fluff items like Pottery Barn Kids {where you can register for nursery decor or toys}. We decided on Babies R Us and Amazon {amazon because a lot of our family is spread out and they have such a big selection being online only}
- Do more than one round of registering
We went into the store first to register. We wanted to get our hands on some items, test them out, and we wanted to see what some stuff was that we weren't sure about. Then I went back online where they had a larger selection and made some changes. Don't be afraid to add or subtract items leading up to your baby shower date. It's no fun being 38 weeks pregnant and lugging a bunch of stuff to the store to make exchanges/returns.
- Save those gift cards
Whether you get gift cards as an actual gift or from returns and exchanges be sure to save them up. Each baby is different so you can never be positive if your baby will like specific things {bottles, pacifiers, etc}. So it is always nice to have saved a few gift cards, instead of picking up more super cute baby clothes, to purchase those extra items.

Things I didn't use:
I always ended up just using a pillow to assist in feeding BK. She was only five pounds and the boppy didn't get her high enough and close enough to me. Plus it's kind of hard. We did end up using it a few times to practice tummy time, but I don't think we used it that much. Some ladies swear by it though.
We registered for and received something like 15 bottles. Well BK was EBF so they just took up TONS of cabinet room. Even if you aren't breast feeding I suggest only registering for one pack. Initially they use really tiny ones from the hospital anyways, but you never know what brand/nipple they will like.
Again, they will probably be very particular and only take one brand. BK didnt start using one until she was 5 weeks old and then she gave it up cold turkey at 5 months. You dont want 100 of them lying around the house.

Items that saved me:
-Boppy lounger
It's like a big comfy baby cushion/chair. I kept it on the couch and BK napped/relaxed on it during the day when we were downstairs. She used it for like five months.
We got the fisher price little lamb swing and that thing was a life saver. BK still tries to climb into it sometimes.
We STILL use her bouncer. She looks a little large in it, but she hasnt exceeded the weight limit yet, so sometimes I plop her in there when I'm showering.

-Dont register for clothes you will get enough from friends and you are sure to shop for plenty yourself.
I know they say not to buy too many newborn sizes because you dont know how big your baby will be, but make sure that you have some on hand. I even suggest having a preemie outfit or two. BK couldnt fit any of her newborn clothes, so we had to send my mother in law to Carters before we left the hospital so that she had clothes to wear.
-Dont register for blankets, bibs, wash cloths, towels. Once again, you will get plenty.

If you have any other registering questions dont hesitate to ask!


  1. Hey girlie long time no type ha! OK so I loved this post! I did one similar on Mrs. to Mama a few months back! I love the idea of the gift card saving and we did that as well. We received two Fisher Price Lamb Swings and we kept one which was a lifesaver and returned one for a gift card that we used on things that we realized Kelcee needed as her first month of life and us as new parents was in full swing. We did love the boppy lol we had three. Kelcee was a five pounder as well and at first it was a bit difficult but as she grew we just loved it for nursing, tummy time etc. Kelcee only took to one type of poppy (paci) so we had a zillion, and I agree since we nursed as well we had more bottles than needed ha and it took up uber cabinet space. I also think that is an awesome idea to register for a few premiee outfits I wish we would have as well for I had to send the hubs and my mom to the mall to find the presh cuteness of premiee goodness before we left the hospital. They found the biggest selection at Childrens Place and wiped them clean ha! I love this post and it will be helpful to so many! Hope you are doing well love! Sumsy

  2. This is great sweet friend. Hope to use this soon. :)

  3. This is so helpful! When my hubby and I get preggers, we're definitely going to use some of these tips!

  4. It's so interesting how different people can be! Your lists of things you loved/didn't use are almost exactly opposite for me! I read about 100 posts like this and articles about what to buy before I had my baby, but now I know I could have never known what my specific baby would like/need ahead of time. Unfortunately, I think that means that almost everyone will end up wasting some money on things they ultimately won't need. I know I did, but I also don't know how I could have prevented it. But I definitely agree with not registering for baby clothes and stuff like blankets and burp cloths. We didn't register for any but were still swimming in them by the time the baby came!

  5. Hi Brandi!! I just joined the VA blogging community group and excited to meet some fellow bloggers who live in VA....I think your family is beautiful and your little girl is just precious!!!! So excited to get to know you!

    xo Dinah @ Sunshine super glam
