Friday, February 1, 2013

T.G.I.F + Still Fly

Do y'all remember when T.G.I.F was on tv? I used to soooo look forward to plopping down on the couch and vegging out all night. I have pretty similar plans for this weekend, rest and relaxation. Oh, and snuggles lots of snuggles.


Today I'm linking up with the super talented Ashley for Friday's Letters.

Dear Husband ~ Thank you so much for being such a fantastic man this week. I couldnt have made it through without you. You were an amazing place of comfort to me, and youre a fantastic daddy.  Dear February ~ How did you get here so fast? Can you please bring some warmer weather with you? Dear body ~ Please, please, please go back to normal. Dear BK ~ You have no idea how much I love you. I am so blessed to have you as my daughter. Dear Me ~ Time to get your booty in gear and get things organized for BK's photo shoot. Brush off those *wannabe* event planner skills and put together something amazing! Dear real food ~ I am going to grub this weekend. Get.In.My.Belly.

And of course it is Dance Party Friday! Do y'all remember this song? Oh man I used to roll through my neighborhood with this song playing SO loud. #glorydaysofhighschool



  1. I used to love that song! It was good for its time. And how young I was. Lmao.

  2. TGIF was the highlight of my adolescent life :))

  3. TGIF and sleepovers were the highlights of my weekends.

  4. I was driving to work earlier and Hanson MMMBop came on....All I wanted to do was go right back home and listen to old music and then watch Boy meets world LOL! We had it so good when we were younger!

  5. What I wouldn't give for a night full of TGIF programming! I am totally curious about the new "Girl Meets World" spinoff. They need to bring a lineup back to ABC :)

    Happy weekend, love!

  6. TGIF was the bomb!!

    Stopping by from "Friday's Letters"!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  7. I love you for lettin me jam to im so follower:)
