Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Shoes Are A Girl's Best Friend

I just love Trendy Tot Tuesday and Kelly, Megan, and Lindsay for hosting it.

Now that Bk is on the verge of walking I am in serious need of investing in some shoes for the girl. I wont lie, up until recently she mostly just wears socks.
A) She usually has her shoes off in less than two seconds
B) She didnt really need them
C) It wasnt really worth the fight with her every day
But now she truly needs them.

We have two pairs that she wears right now, but usually it's just her chucks.
Right now I have my eye on these for summer.
one / two / three / four
How do you keep shoes on your babies feet? Any secret tricks?



  1. If Wes takes his off they go right back on. We also went and got him fitted for shoes at stride rite. Their suggestion is a single pair of shoes until they are steady walkers. I put Wes in whatever shoes I feel like though. :)

  2. Tinley has those exact same Sperrys, and they're hard-bottomed, so she can walk in them. She had the jellies last year, we had the ones from Old Navy, they come in pink, clear, and teal, and she wasn't walking last summer, but I plan on getting them again this summer because they're also hard-bottomed and I think she'll do well in them. She has very small feet, she still wears a 3, so the Toms are still too big, but they're so cute! I think the'll be good for walking too. A website you should check out is pediped.com. They have super cute stuff that's made for beginners for balance and posture. Their stuff is great. They sell some styles at Stride Rite also. You should definitely have her foot measured though. :o) Good luck, and watch out! Your life as you know it is over once she's on the move! :o)

  3. Stopping by from the link up! I always used Robeez for my girls at that age (for walking inside at least). They stay on perfectly and the "soft" shoes are supposedly really good for foot development at that age :-)

  4. I love those Sperry's! I think those were actually Carter's first pair of "hard soled" shoes for his first Easter when he was 9 months old! I died a little when he outgrew them like, three weeks later. Another favorite shoe brand of mine for the littles is Keen. They're not the most cutest- they kind of look like a hippie shoe but they are SO great for Spring and especially summer around the pool and on the beach! And Native Shoes are also my faves! Even though I'm a boy mama, the girl's styles are equally as cute!!

  5. your blog is adorable and so are those shoes! don't forget to grab my button for your sidebar when you get a chance :)


  6. I love those Sperrys!!!!

    Breanna is almost 2 and she will occasionally in the car take off her shoes! I started with soft soled shoes from Old Navy even wearing them on her around the house, she eventually got used to it

  7. Baby shoes are always so much more adorable than adult shoes!

    Hope you're having a wonderful day!
    The Hartungs Blog

  8. AHHH! Baby shoes are so cute! Ohmygosh.

  9. I love love the sperry's, my son learned to walk in sperry's so they will always be a winner in my book! As far as keeping them on nothing shy of crazy glue worked for me, and apparently thats frowned upon...but seriously. & it always seems to be just one shoe. Can't wait to see what she decides to sport!


  10. I so love baby shoes. I don't even have a baby but I'm magnetically drawn to the baby shoes that look just like adult shoes, only tiny. Every baby that I've ever known though, has seemingly made a game out of taking their shoes off all the time. And headbands and hairbows...they aren't big accessory fans.

  11. I have a slight shoe obsession! Presley wears a lot of Converse and Ugg boots. They stay on the best for us! We had a pair of Toms when she was younger but they didn't fit right, we may try those again!

    Glad you joined us last week, hope to see you link up tomorrow!

  12. Another shoe obsession over here - we have SO many! No advice though, Guinevere never cared about her shoes and left them alone for some reason - weird. I do think I need to get her those Sperrys though!!
