Monday, February 25, 2013

puppy love

I have a broken heart y'all. My sweet puppy, Daisymae, is missing since last night. To be completely honest I'm not sure exactly what happened. I took her with me to 7-11 to grab some sprite for my mother in law who wasnt feeling well and then I lost her. I can say I just wasnt paying attention and thought she came in the house before me, or I can say that I was distracted by getting back to the baby and my family, but either way it boils down to it being my fault. The guilt that I feel is unbearable.

This is the dog that drove 1600 miles with me from Texas to Virginia, while riding in a laundry basket. The puppy I bought on a whim in college before heading to a basketball game. She's flown with me to Texas more times than I count, and always accompanies us on vacation. She's been dressed up for every holiday her whole life, and sometimes just because. It never fails that she sneaks chocolate out of our Easter baskets. She usually unwraps at least one present at Christmas. She's been with me through heart ache, joy, moves, a marriage, the birth of our first baby. Brooklyn Grace wakes up every morning up every.single.morning and the first words out of her mouth are "Daizzy kiss, daizzy kiss". She snuggles S after long days at work and keeps him company when he does work around the house. The dog that has slept by my side for over 6 years. She loves beach days, riding in the front seat with her head out the window, sleeping under the covers, and getting BK's dropped food. She is not a dog. She's family.

My heart is broken. Please say a little prayer that our girl comes home.



  1. Loving your Boston! :) So cute. I have one, too, but I probably already commented that to you at some point!! Hehe.

    Gayle | Grace for Gayle

    1. It helps to read the post sometimes before commenting...

    2. Wow. Did you read the post? rude.

  2. I hope you find her really really soon. I'm a doggy mom and definitely consider her my fur baby and not just a dog. I can't imagine how sad you are :(

  3. I really hope she comes home! I'll say a prayer.

  4. Oh no! Im so sorry. Sending well wishes that she will turn up before too long!

  5. Dear God,

    you care about even the littest things. I pray that you would bring Daseymae home safe and sound to her family. Please protect her and keep her from harm. provide comfort to the family in this time. Amen

  6. Oh my heart hurts for you. I hope she comes home...I'm so sorry!!! :(

  7. Praying for a safe return for your baby!! My heart aches for you! I'll be praying hard!!

  8. Brandi!!

    I appreciate your comment on my blog so much!! Thank you SO much for stopping by so we can be friends :-) I am soooo sad to hear about your puppy. This whole thing is terrible, what's the latest? Any luck?
    Love your blog,
    Following you now!!
    XO Jenna

  9. Oh no!!!! I hope you find her :( Sending prayers!

  10. I'm so sorry you're going through this, babe :( Thinking so many sweet thoughts about your girl and hoping she comes home safe and sound! She knows what a happy life she leads and she'll find a way home.

  11. I hope daisymae comes home to her family soon!

  12. I'm so sorry to hear this! I'll say a bunch of prayers and think tons of happy thoughts that your sweet girl will find her way home!

  13. My heart breaks for you. I couldn't imagine losing one of our furry babies. Don't blame yourself things happen. I'll keep her and you in my thoughts and hope she finds her way back to you, S and BK.

  14. So, so sad. Definitely saying an extra prayer and hoping she finds her way home. :o(

  15. Awww, just getting a chance to catch-up on some blog reading... any luck finding your puppy?? So sorry to hear of this sad news :( Sending good vibes your way that you find her soon!
