Thursday, January 3, 2013

Booger Brigade

It's Thursday so that means it's time to link-up with Amber & Neely!
Its Ok Thursdays
This week I'm saying It's Ok:
-that I have cleaned more boogers out of my daughters nose than you would like to know about. #teethingisthedevil
-to be completely OVER winter and ready for some warmer temperatures
-to stay in sweat pants all day and snuggle the baby in front of a fire {It's like 30 degrees here! waa}
-to spend 45 minutes scouring pinterest for a yummy recipe for tonight.
-to shamelessly take picutes of BK's mouth all puffed out with snacks. She can hoard things in her cheeks y'all.
-that I'm excited to see my Mother in law tomorrow because she is giving the hubs and I a date night on Saturday
-that sometimes I sing Disney Junior songs even when the baby isnt around
What are you saying It's ok to?



  1. I so hear ya' on the warmer temperatures bit! I am ready for spring (like in the worst-kind-of-way possible)... And I am glad to know, that I'm not the only one that's been in a bit of a sweatpants slump (I'm blaming in on the holidays. NEED.TO.RECUPERATE.) ;)

  2. I totally agree with you on warmer temperatures, and feel that I might be able to get out of the sweatpants mode if we got some warmer weather! I think those two go hand in hand! Pinterest recipes are the best, I"m trying one tonight too!

  3. I sing disney junior songs and even catch myself watching it at nap time!!!! haha love being a mommy!
