Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's All About the Balance

Hey, hey, hey! I am ashamed at my lack of blogging lately, but I am also not going to lie I have been thoroughly enjoying our summer. S is finally back from all of his work travel, I got myself a little part-time j.o.b. {that I love}, we got family pictures taken, BK is walking all over and a 100% toddler that is into everything, we took a mini trip to the OBX, and it is hot as hades here. We spend most of our days at the beach, meals are usually cooked outside, the inside of our home often looks like a tornado hit it, and we have just been making the most of our time together.

I do need to be better though, I need to allow a little more time that is just about me. I miss writing, writing is such an escape for me and it truly brings me so much joy. So I'm determined to find the balance.

How do y'all do it? When is your designated "blogging time"?

And because no post should go without pictures...


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  1. You know my stance on this! Haha I took a few weeks off too... what's blogging if you don't have a life to blog about? ;)

  2. Oh my goodness, she's so precious, love the sunglasses pic! :)

    Taking a break from blogging is so necessary! Makes you appreciate it more when you come back. :)
