Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Back to {Pre}School...

My baby went to school today y'all! It was only a trial, and it was only for about three hours, but SHE WENT TO SCHOOL!!! How is she old enough for this? I cannot even believe that a mere 16 months ago she was a tiny, five pound, perfect little baby, and now here she is a walking, talking, amazingly happy, ray of sunshine.! I feel old. Is that normal? The only tears that were shed were on my behalf, and when I called (I only allowed myself one phone call don't worry) they said that she was just the hit of the classroom. Little sassy sunshine got along with everyone and had the time of her life.

She even brought home her first artwork. Bestillmyheart. I die!

And here is us when I picked her up! You know, us bloggers, have to document every little thing! 

Now I have to find her a lunchbox and school stuff. Any suggestions on great little monogram places?


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  1. Aw, what a sweet little school girl!

  2. Adorable!!!! Is it like a day car or actual preschool? I didn't even know they could go to preschool before 3!
