Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Finding My Passion

Yesterday I had a job interview, my first interview in five years. To say I was nervous is a complete understatement, I mean I legit had an anxiety attack on Monday. It wasn't just that I was going to be interviewing for the first time in f.o.r.e.v.e.r, it was so much more than that. It was the idea that I would be leaving BK, that BK might be going to a preschool full time. She is smart, she is so ready for the interaction, BK would totally rock preschool. I would probably be the one suffering from serious separation anxiety.  Is my little mama heart ready to give up my time with her? I mean I know it has to be done eventually, it's just wondering if "eventually" is right now.

And, to be completely honest I really fear failing. Putting yourself out there is hard. I don't think anyone truly enjoys feeling vulnerable, and that was exactly how I felt going into the interview. I fear failing. I fear still not knowing exactly what I want to do with the rest of my life.

So I survived the interview. I dressed up. I got some quality adult interaction. And it was good. I might not get the job, but I'm ok with that. And you know what, today I have another interview and this one I am actually really excited about. Wish me luck!


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  1. good luck girl! You will rock it!!

  2. Good Luck! I am sure you did great. I just finished a 3 step-interview process for a 2nd job, and even though I don't have children or anything, it still can be very nerve wracking :)

  3. Let me know how it goes! I'm sure you rocked it out :)

  4. I hear ya! I just had a job interview that I'm waiting to hear back on. It's a vulnerable thing to put yourself out there for potential rejection. Necessary, though!

  5. Fingers crossed for good news - but whatever the outcome it sounds like you gave an amazing interview.

    Kate x
    Kate at Home

  6. Good luck! I hope you hear soon. :) My kids are 4 and 2 and I worry about working all the time, but they love going to school. I bet BK will do great. :)

  7. Eee!!! Good luck!! Thinking about you today!!!!

  8. Good luck :) I think thats totally normal and I'm rooting for you!!

  9. Ahhhh please update me ASAP!!!! :) I know you rocked it just like BK rocks her chucks. Hehe love you.

  10. How did the second interview go?

    Good I hope!

    It's so hard... from one fail fearer to another- totally get it and feel ya!

  11. Good luck, I am sure you will do great!

    Sparkles and Shoes
