Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How to survive with children

Yesterday I thought I was dying. For real. I just knew that at any moment my head was going to split right open. I haven't had a migraine like that in years, well since before I got pregnant with BK. Life has changed a bit and now I have a toddler on my hands, I can't exactly sleep the day away. So needless to say I had to get a little creative on nursing myself back to health. Here are my migraine survival tools {though these would also work fabulously if you're nursing a hangover}.


1. An eye mask. This a must. I didnt want to completely freak BK out and have the room pitch black so this was a life saver. This particular mask is baller in that you can just use it regular or with the ice pack.
2. Cartoons. I'm not a huge advocate for plopping your baby in front of a television for long periods of time, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Doc McStuffins most certainly helped in nursing me back to health yesterday.
3. Sick pillow. At least that's what we always called it in my family. Growing up we had a special pillow and blanket that my mama pulled out when you were sick. I loved the tradition so much that I adopted it into our family.
4. Caffeine. For me this is coca cola. Ok so maybe I drink one every day anyways, but with a migraine it is extra delicious.
5. New toys. BK has really gotten into coloring thanks to her bath crayons, so yesterday I busted out a coloring book and some crayolas that I had stashed away. She though it was so neat, and it kept her entertained for quite a while. Well until she tried to color my eye mask, then Doc McStuffins got turned back on.

A helpful husband was also super wonderful. Love you honey. Do y'all get migraines? How do you cure them?


  1. I used to get them all the time!! They are TERRIBLE! These are great tips

  2. I'm sorry you were feeling so bad. I hope my box arrives soon and cheers you up!!

  3. I get them every once in a while, usually at work, and I wish I could just go home and curl up in a ball in my pitch black room!

  4. So sorry you had a yucky migraine. I get really bad sinus headaches that feel like migraines. I definitely have to sleep it off or have my hubby massage my head. No fun!

    xo Dinah @ sunshine super glam

  5. SO SORRY to hear you had a migraine! I get them like crazy, AND had an awful one yesterday as well... Mine was nightmare allergy related. I hope you do not have a repeat! Should you need an emergency preventative though, I highly recommend getting a Migra Cap. They are pretty amazing! I can't use mine for all of the headaches but it's awesome even just relieving tension.
    Caffeine is AWESOME! <3<3<3<3<3

  6. Yes! I used to get terrible migraines all the time. (Mine are hormone related). So I get one every time of the month... I have yet to have my *friend* visit since before I was pregnant - so its been a good 15 months without one. I'm dreading the day they start back up. Eye masks, caffeine, and ice packs on my head seem to work ok.. but usually I need some meds or sleep are needed. Hope you are feeling better! Ps- they totally stink with kids- so hard! :(

  7. Well I hope you are feeling better today! I am stopping by from "In Her Boots", I love the advice on new toys. I know that if my boys are entertained with something new, that might help in the 'rest' department, and the sick pillows and blankets and cartoons, eh why not, sick days don't happen that often, I think it is a must for getting back to yourself.

    New follower on BlogLovin!

    Heather from Mommy Only Has 2 Hands
