Thursday, March 28, 2013

Dressed to the Nines

As I mentioned yesterday we're going to be in D.C. for Easter. Since we're going to a bigger mass and a fancy brunch I decided to buy the family new Easter clothes. We're going with a pretty neutral pallet of creams, khakis, and adding in a little mint for some color. I'm super excited about the skirt that I'm wearing from Adornme Girl, but I havent quite decided which shirt I'm wearing. Maybe just the chambray like my girl Meghan has worn over at District Sparkle. Or maybe just the sweater since it is supposed to be relatively warm. I honestly dont know what I will end up wearing. I guess that is the beauty of options. I'll be sure to post pictures of us looking all fancy when we get back!


easter by tinymrsh featuring a braided shirt
