Monday, February 18, 2013

Open letter

Today Becky prompted us to write, that was it she just said “write”. Writing is something that I have always loved; I remember being 8 years old and writing elaborate stories. I would sit behind my little typewriter and create magical lands and fabulous characters. I remember winning awards; I always thought that I would grow up to be a world famous author. My peers hated essay assignments, where I relished in them. Now I have this little piece of the internet where I can write whenever and whatever I please, so why is it that when I saw Becky’s post my mind went blank? What would I write about? Honestly I’m still pondering the topic of the post.

So I figured I would write a letter. I write to my daughter frequently, and I used to write to my husband regularly as well. Lately though I haven’t written to S, so I suppose it is high time that he gets a letter.

I haven’t written to you in a while, I’m sorry about that baby, in my defense life has been crazy. Your work schedule has been insane and to say that BK keeps me on my toes is a massive understatement. In short, I miss you. We haven’t had much us time lately. As soon as this project is over we definitely need to fix that. I promise to plan the perfect date night.

I just wanted to take a minute and tell you what an amazing man you are. Your work ethic is unbelievable. You have been working close to 80 hour weeks and not batting an eye. Thank you so much for the way that you provide for our family, but also the amazing example that you set as well. Our child{ren} has such a wonderful role model in you. We are truly blessed to call you our own.

Speaking of babies, can you believe that ours is about to turn one? Where has this year gone? I am proud of us. Of the parents that we have become. I am in awe of the father that you are to BK. You blew my expectations out of the water. I always knew that you would be amazing, but honey you put other men to shame. I never knew that my love for you could run any deeper. Seeing the two of you together, the love that you have for her, it makes my heart just swell.

I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us. To grow old and gray with you. To spend the rest of my life with you. You are my everything. You are truly the love of my life. Thank you for showing me just how wonderful love and life are meant to be.

I love you more than words.




  1. What a beautiful letter! Husband's are definitely forgotten when baby is involved! Love that you did this!!

  2. Oh B you just made me tear up! Your letter to S was nothing short of spectacular and he will cherish it! The hubs and I write notes to each other and I think they are amazing and something that I hold so close to my heart! Watching g with k makes my heart skip a beat as yours does watching your hubs with your little. Loved this girl thanks for sharing!

  3. This is amazing, I hope you have a great week!

    Sparkles and Shoes
