Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

No not really, but I am going to talk about a sisterhood today. My biffle Ashley talked about part of her college experience yesterday and I wanted to write a "sister" post if you will. When I was in college I was a sorority girl, a Zeta Tau Alpha to be exact.

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Right now I'm sure you are either lumping me with the Sorority girl stereotype or you were a greek life member yourself so you're probably reminiscing back on your days. I dont blame you, most people view greek life in one way... party people. Yes we color coordinated for parties. Yes sometimes we did "obnoxious" chants at bars. And I wont lie I did my fair share of partying, I probably did some of my best table dancing in this time, but it wasnt at the fault of my sorority. To be honest I was much more tame due to Zeta. We had designated drivers available on the weekends, a home to go to on campus, and there was always someone watching my back. But we were way more than party girls.

We did community service every month. We had a philanthropy that worked with very actively, and breast cancer awareness is still very dear to my heart. Our grades were held to high standards, and we were required to be in the library a certain number of hours a week. I would honestly say that my active semesters were the ones were my grades were the best.

The best thing that I took away from my Zeta days were the friendships. I have been friends with some of these fabulous ladies for over eight years now. They were bridesmaids and attendants of my wedding {in Mexico}, they were at my baby shower, they call to check on me when I'm sick. I'm even lucky enough to have a few that are mamas like myself, and we have play dates with our girls.

I've even been blessed to connect with other Zetas through blogging, like Ashley & Samantha. If the worst I got from my sorority days is some massive hangovers and people judging me then I didnt make out to bad. So I'm proud I'm a sorority girl, I'm especially proud that I'm a Zeta Tau Alpha.

And to be quite honest I see a lot of similarities in sorority sisterhoods and the blogging community. Maybe that's why I love it so much and feel so at home.
*Disclaimer- My college computer died so I lost most of the photo of my "glory days" including my sorority photos. I'm sure my child(ren) will thank me later that they never have to stumble upon these photos*





  1. This post made me smile! I am also a proud sorority girl. I am a Kappa Kappa Gamma alumna. My sorority days are dear to me. I am still active as an alumna. I am currently vice president of our house board corporation. :D

  2. YAY! Love my ZTA sista!!! haha I love getting to read everyone's experiences. Great post friend. But double boo to loosing your pictures! I put mine on a cd right after college because I just don't trust computers. lol

  3. oh I miss my sorority days so much! And I agree - I think that I love blogging because it IS like being in a sorority!

