Sunday, December 23, 2012

Traveling + Guest Post

We're traveling to paradise today! Wish us luck! And guest posting is the fabulous Kristyn with a super funny story for y'all! Enjoy!


Hi Brooklyn State of Mind Readers! My name is Kristyn and I blog over at Carolina Fireflies where I share all aspects of real life and real love of my southern life in North Carolina. I am so excited to be guest blogging today for Brandi! I think I speak for all of us when I say we are totally jealous she is spending Christmas in Jamaica! Since Brandi is traveling today, I thought it was only appropriate that I share my traveling advice based on my personal experience.

5 Tips to Help you Miss your Connecting Flight

1. Choose the shortest layout possible. 50 minutes or less is ideal. Leaving room for error is for un-fun people. This is an even better idea when you are flying across the Atlantic and there are only 2 flights a day, at 5 p.m. and 10 p.m, and you are trying to make the 10 p.m. connection.

2. Forget to take your flip flops off when you go through security. This will result in you running barefoot from one end of the airport to the other stepping on the same floor that thousands of people have walked on that day.

3. Leave your directionally challenged mom to deal with all the carry on bags as you run from one end of the airport to the other (remember, you are barefoot) to find out that your connection has already departed. You will then realize that your mom cannot find the gate and she has your cell phone because she has your carry on.

4. When the airport you are flying into has been closed and there are multiple flights waiting to take off, go stand-by on the flight that was supposed to take off first instead of your original flight. The flight that takes off first will need to go around the storm and the flight that takes off a little later (your original flight) will be able to take a more direct path because the storm has passed. Therefore, your original flight will arrive before the flight you are on and will be in the gate that the flight you are on is supposed to be in. This is perfect because even if you have arrived in time to make your connection, you will have to sit on the runway for 30 minutes while the plane you were originally on unloads.

You really want to make sure you miss this connection because there have been many cancelled and missed flights since the airport was closed earlier meaning all the hotels are booked and you will need to take an hour cab ride into the middle of nowhere with a creepy cab driver that doesn't know where he is going.

5. Always remember to stop and get your Starbucks. You have time. I promise.

If you arrive at your connection flight gate to find that boarding has ended and you realize that you actually wanted to make your connection flight after all, sitting at the gate sobbing until an airport employee asks you what is wrong will make the employee feel bad for you and call some other employees and reopen boarding for you so you can continue to sob as you board the plane to evil stares from the other passengers.

I hope these tips help you the next time you are flying! And I hope that you all hop on over to my blog, say hi and follow along! I love making new friends! Thanks Brandi for letting me guest post today! I hope you didn't follow any of my tips and have arrived safely in Jamaica


1 comment:

  1. I unfortunately missed a connecting flight when I was flying to Rome, Italy. I was with my parents and brother. Our flight left NYC late to Amsterdam, we literally RAN across the airport to our connecting flight (including running on those moving sidewalk things)...and arrived at the gate- 2 minutes after the flight had pulled away from the gate. Yay 8 hours in Amsterdam. It was an adventure.
