Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Holiday Traditions + Guest Blogger

Merry Christmas y'all! I hope today is perfect for yall! I have Jami sharing some of her family's holiday traditions. Be sure to check her out, I mean how good looking is this family?

Hi Ladies and Gents, My name is Jami and I blog over at Lulu Mom.
I am a wife a pretty fantastic guy who happens to be a daredevil and is a cop in Aurora, CO. My daughter is pretty fantastic and in the middle of inserting her opinion (which is opposite mine) at every chance she gets. Some how we manage to juggle a pretty crazy schedule and enjoy family time as we go. I'm so excited to be invited me over here to mingle with you lovely Brooklyn State of Mind readers.  I mean how awesome is B?  So I just know her readers are just as awesome!  If only we could magically end up in Jamaica with her... right?  Ok that might seem stalker...ish. So let's get down to business, shall we? I really tried to slow down and enjoy the holiday season. I was determined not to be consumed by my millions of To Do List Papers laying around everywhere. I've come up with some pretty great ideas.... if I don't say so myself.
Hot chocolate and christmas light hunting with Little Miss.
Decorating the Christmas Tree
Stuffed moose races with our "reindeer" moose.... don't ask.
Christmas dog collars as belts (hey the fit and their festive.. no judgement)
Baking delicious treats to take to friends.
Gingebread Recipe HERE
But this, this was the worst idea of all time!
Glitter ornaments with a 2 year old!
Note to self:  If I make a mess while doing something, then a 2 year old will turn it into a disaster. And hubby will come home from a long day and wonder what in the world you were thinking. So please learn from my mistakes. But if you do decide to do it, proceed at your own risk and use THIS!!!!
Basically this miracle product (that I found at Michaels) turns anything into a beautiful, sparkly mess!  Yep, I think I might go a little crazy and add some pizazz to water bottles, Starbuck's cups, iPhone cases.... oh the possibilities are endless.  (And not I'm sure you are wondering, "Was it really the 2 year old that made the mess?") So I hope that my not so brilliant toddler craft turns into a great craft idea for you, a grown adult, an adult who can contain their excitement around glitter. Well enjoy this piece of advice and pop by my little ol part of the internet here.  I'd love to have you!  :)


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