Friday, December 21, 2012

Friday Letters!

It's time for Friday Letters!


Dear brother- You get in town in t-minus 2 hours and I am so excited! I hope your flights when well.
Dear packing- Please do your own job. I have other things to get done. Also, talk to your friend "laundry".
Dear Jamaica- See you Sunday my friend. I would love a Bob Marley shot waiting for me!
Dear S & BK- I cannot wait for 5 days of just us time!
Dear body- please erase all of the cookies I ate this week, I have a bikini to fit in!
Dear blog readers- I'll miss yall next week, but I promise to be back in full swing the week of New Year! xoxo



  1. Have a great vay-cay! This is such a CUTE idea... Friday letters, now I know what I want to spend the two bamboozle's nap time doing today ;)

  2. Ahh Jamaica. I was supposed to go this past spring but things fell through. Enjoy!!
