Monday, April 8, 2013

How not to fail at your guest post

I have had the honor of my sidebar holding the most wonderful ladies that choose to advertise with me. They are all truly funny and great women. Today's love is the fabulous Kiersten. And I have to say, her topic... GENIUS! Now go read and find out or yourself.

So I know what you’re thinking - who is this chick, and where’s Brandi? Well I’m Kiersten, and Brandi was sweet enough to let me take over for a day. I know, I know - you can barely contain your excitement, right? Okay, maybe not - so let me tell you why you should stick around.

First, some introductions. I blog over at Good Day Sunshine where I write about life (my own, and the general concept), my seemingly never-ending search for love, flowers (and recently, the fact that it’s springtime and where are the flowers?), and of course, The Beatles, all with a touch of what I falsely believe to be humor and whit. If you’re justdying to know more (because I know you all are), you can hop over to my about me

I’ve been blogging in this space for a little over a year, but that definitely wasn’t my first time on the merry-go-round... I started blogging back in 2009, and trust me - there have been too many blogs to count between then and now.

In all that time though, I’ve only written one guest post before this one (and trust me, you don’t want to read that train wreck, circa 2010). I think I feel out of my element - as though I’m in Russia trying to introduce myself to someone who doesn’t speak English. I feel as though everyone is going to know I don’t belong, and will resent my presence here. (Crazy, I know - you all love me, right? Right?)

So up until Brandi offered me this opportunity, I’d avoided guest-posting like the plague. I think though, that I’m beginning to feel comfortable enough in my own skin to try this party out, and I have the perfect idea too:

Kiersten’s Tried and True List of Ways to Fail at Guest Posting:

(1) Have no idea what you’re going to say. Just ramble for a bit and turn it into a 5-paragraph essay. Everyone loves those!

(2) Be a little bit neurotic. Rewrite the post about 30 times, with about 30 different concepts. And then, once you’ve mailed it off, bite your nails off worrying that you should have stuck with concept #17. Obviously, that’s the best way to write isn’t it?

(3) Wait till the last minute to write the post. You wouldn’t want to give yourself too much time to work on anything, would you? And speaking of procrastination, I have a great list of ways to do that right over here

(4) Try to write as though you are the blog-owner. I know you probably have your own “voice”, but check that at the door!

That’s all I’ve got for that, guys. But if you’re looking for more (and let’s be honest, I know you are), hop on over to my little space and read up!

<3 Kiersten



  1. Very good tips, being a new blogger it's so intimidating at first trying to learn all the stuff that goes into blogging!!!!

    xo Dinah @ sunshine super glam Excited to check out Good Day Sunshine ;-)

  2. This is so great - especially as I am working on two right now - thanks for sharing!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  3. hahaha, those guest post tips crack me up! :)

  4. I completely agree with you that guest blogging generates good amount of traffic, but my question is how to get quality blogs as many good blogs don’t allow us to post as a guest blogger. What technique are you using to search blogs ?
